Solution Analyst/BI

Connexio for analysts

Get deeper insights faster.

Deep dive into any and all data from every source and get to the answers you need faster. Never worry about data collection again.

Reliable analysis-ready data

Robust, reliable & scalable

Connexio ensures your solution is always working no matter what happens. As your needs scale so does your solution - without the growing pains.

No more working in data silo’s

We connect your data sources and work with you to ensure you see what you need. By removing data silos you get one single source of truth across teams.

No more broken APIs or dashboards

We support you every step of the way to ensure you are always seeing the complete picture. Our technical support teams are experts at keeping you running smoothly.

Automated data collection & preparation

Receive the data you need in the shape you need and whenever you need it. Your data is cleaned, organised and shared to your analysis and reporting tools.

Scale as you need with confidence

Automated updates & maintenance

No matter what happens with your data sources we are here to ensure everything is always up and running smoothly. We’re here to take the headache away from data analysis.

Scale your solution with confidence

Connexio’s cloud-based solution means you only pay for what you need and when you need it. As your needs scale so does your solution, reliably and with you in control.

Ongoing professional support

Our experts are here to help guide and support you on your data transformation journey. We take a hands-on approach to your challenge and upskill you at every step.

Get analysis-ready

Are you ready for reliable data?

Our experts are ready to help you. Simply book a demo or give us a call.